Moses in the Teiva: An Act of Hope or Despair?

Was the teiva an attempt to save Moshe's life? David Fried challenges our assumptions about the purpose of the wicker basket in the river.

Psalm 121: Of Pilgrims, Perils, and a Personal God

Psalm 121, recited fervently in online prayer spaces and from the Senate floor alike since March, is subject to a seemingly mind-boggling array of interpretations. Michael Weiner blazes a path through the interpretive chaos.

Esther, Feminist Ethics, and the Creation of Jewish Community

How can the mitzvot of Purim reveal the feminist ethics of the Megillah? Aton Holzer offers an enlightening new reading of the Megillah, suggesting that there is a profound connection between the text's structure and its ethics.

Four Reasons to Leverage Pop Culture in the Judaic Studies Classroom 

Can we learn Torah from Star Wars, superheroes, or the hit Netflix show ‘The Crown’? Olivia Friedman, a teacher at Ida Crown Jewish Academy in Chicago, says yes, arguing that bringing pop culture into the Judaic studies classroom in a meaningful way not only makes learning more fun, but models the type of integration that Modern Orthodoxy stands for.

Shemot: The Book Without Names

Ben Greenfield calls attention to a crucial, but unnoticed feature of the early narratives in Exodus.

In Six Barleys were Wrapped an Enduring Legacy

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan examines the significance of the six barleys that Boaz gives Ruth in light of the story of Rachel, Leah, and the duda'im.

The Child at this Moment, the child that Could Become: A Torah Meditation in...

Dan Ornstein examines the rabbinic interpretation of the phrase "ba-asher hu sham," and applies it to the current conflict in Israel.


A poem on parshat Korach by Zohar Atkins

Of Split Wood and Waters

Nachum Krasnopolsky explains Rashbam's interpretation of the splitting of the sea as an educational experience.

“In Every Generation They Rise Up Against Us to Destroy Us”: How We Keep...

Malka Simkovich on the Hasmonean victories and the truth behind the Hanukkah miracle.