To Rebeccah

Aryeh Klapper recreating a patriarchal voice.

Haggai: Prophet of Elul

Tzvi Sinensky on how Sefer Haggai unlocks the meaning of Hodesh Elul.

When Shabbat first provided a Taste of the World to Come

Our modern Shabbat experience has been called "a taste of the world to come." But was this the case for the first Shabbat in the desert? Ezra Zuckerman Sivan considers the question.

Where is the Justice in the Tenth Plague?

Ezra Sivan asks: Where is the justice in the tenth plague?

Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Koller’s Unbinding Isaac

Zvi Grumet reviews Aaron Koller’s new book on the Akedah and evaluates his surprisingly novel approach to this formative biblical story.

Jonah and the Varieties of Religious Motivation

David Bashevkin articulates a religious educator’s perspective on why people become religious

Parshat Ki Tavo: The Curse of the Law

Baruch Sterman describes how an encounter with a missionary led him to a greater understanding of Ramban's commentary on this week's Parshah.

Esther, Feminist Ethics, and the Creation of Jewish Community

How can the mitzvot of Purim reveal the feminist ethics of the Megillah? Aton Holzer offers an enlightening new reading of the Megillah, suggesting that there is a profound connection between the text's structure and its ethics.

Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and...

Steven Weiner writes on the significance of tears on Tishah Be-Av and how they relate to the thanks of birkat ha-mazon.

Of Divine Nostrils and the Primordial Altar: A Pipeline of Sanctity

What does the makeup of the altar drainage pipes tell us about the nature of holiness? Shlomo Zuckier explores!