The Soul of Man Under Postmodernism: Further comments on Rav Shagar’s contribution

Shalom Carmy The last couple of weeks have brought two worthwhile assessments of Rav Shagar’s Faith Shattered and Restored: Judaism in the Postmodern Age, Matt Lubin’s...

On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism

Commentary by @Jerome Marcus: why biblical criticism directs our attention to the wrong way to read any good book, never mind The Good Book.

The Hazon Ish Wasn’t Writing About Using Computers

Dan Margulies explains the Hazon Ish's discussion about the problem of using electricity on Shabbat, with implications for Zoom Sedarim.

Tanakh, Chapter by Chapter

Susan Jablow on reading Tanakh through the eyes of a ba'alat teshuva

As One Person with One Heart: Misunderstood in Unison

What sort of Jewish unity was there at Mount Sinai?

The Death of the Rabbi

Elli Fischer on Rasbhi's passing, his legacy, and some other rabbinic legacies, as well.

Abraham and the 1960s – Technocracy and the Journey Inward

Sam Glauber examines Abraham's place in his society.

Parshat Ki Tavo: The Curse of the Law

Baruch Sterman describes how an encounter with a missionary led him to a greater understanding of Ramban's commentary on this week's Parshah.

A Time To Keep Silence, and A Time To Speak

Tragic events this past summer brought a wave of protests against racial injustice that shows few signs of abating. Yitzhak Grossman shares how rabbinic leaders in the United States and Israel have historically approached the tactic of protest, and explores what their views might mean for our current moment.

Capra Dei, or Had Gadya: Isaiah 53 and Jewish Redemption

Aton Holzer offers a novel interpretation of Isaiah 53 based on current events in Israel.