(Mis)Quoting Scripture in American Politics

AJ Berkovitz offers a charitable perspective on American politicians' apparent errors in citing the Bible.

Beth Hamedrash Hagadol’s Finest Hour

Zev Eleff explores the enduring legacy of the recently destroyed Beth Hamedrash Hagadol on Norfolk Street.

There’s No Need to Sacrifice Sacrifice: A Response to Rabbi Herzl Hefter

Tzvi Sinensky responds to Herzl Hefter's Akeida essay.

Utilizing Literary Techniques in the Study of Aggadah: A Review of Jeffrey Rubenstein’s The...

Yitzchak Blau reviews Jeffrey Rubenstein’s The Land of Truth, Talmud Tales, Timeless Teachings.

Jacob, Pursuer of Truth

Jacob is described in Rabbinic thought as a pursuer of truth, but many have questioned whether this aligns with the simple reading of the text. Gavriel Lakser argues that a close reading shows that it does, even if he made some mistakes along the way.

The First Yeshiva Exile

Reading R. Eliezer b. Hyrcanus and Shammai through an autistic lens, Liz Shayne explores how uncompromising, righteous anger can find a place in the beit midrash.

Letter to the Editor: Response to Leead Staller on Euthanasia

Can Halakhah really countenance euthanasia? Alan Jotkowitz responds to Leead Staller

Shadal: Translated, Elucidated, and Uncensored at Last

Martin Lockshin reviews Daniel A. Klein’s translation of Samuel David Luzzatto’s commentary on the Book of Vayikra, the latest volume in Klein’s project to translate all of Shadal’s insightful and ever-interesting Torah commentary.

Voices from Outside the Cave: Women and the Story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai

Kate Rozansky explores the life of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai through the prism of the women in his life.

The Fourth Chapter of Avot as an extended reflection on Epicurean Philosophy

In the spirit of Hanukkah, Yaakov Jaffe offers an intriguing thesis tying together a series of Mishnayot in the fourth chapter of Pirkei Avot: they are all responding to various aspects of Epicurean philosophy.