Is a Dateline a Logical Necessity? The Halakhic View Less Often Quoted

William Gewirtz discusses the necessity of a Halakhic Dateline.

Revisiting Maimonides’s Merkavah Chapters

In this timely piece, David Fried analyzes Maimonides' explanation of the ma'aseh merkavah in light of the Talmud's strictures on its teaching outlined in Hagigah. Fried's analysis reveals how Maimonides changed course from the Aristotelianism that he posited at other points in his career.

Star-Spangled Synagogue: Do National Flags Belong in Our Houses of Worship?

On this flag day, Moshe Kurtz surveys the arguments for and against displaying national flags in synagogues.

Tola ben Puah: Savior of Israel

With only two verses about him in the Book of Judges, not much is known about Tola ben Puah. Ami Hordes takes clues from his story's text and context to paint a fuller picture of who the judge was and why he was important.

A New Book Brings Hebrew Language and Liturgy to Life

Daniel A. Klein reviews a new book on Hebrew by Mitchell First.

Shadal, García Márquez, and the Stain of Honor

Daniel Klein on how violence in the Bible plays out in the writings of Shadal and Gabriel Gárcia Márquez

Hillel’s Living God

Tzvi Sinensky offers a fresh look at one of Rabbinic Judaism's most important mottos.

What Do We Know About Moses’s Burial Place?

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan explains what it means when the Torah says that Moses's burial site was hidden.

Psalm 121: Of Pilgrims, Perils, and a Personal God

Psalm 121, recited fervently in online prayer spaces and from the Senate floor alike since March, is subject to a seemingly mind-boggling array of interpretations. Michael Weiner blazes a path through the interpretive chaos.

Can I Use Zip-Ties To Hold Down My Sekhakh?

Dan Margulies offers a rundown of the sukkah zip-tie construction, the next great halakhic frontier