“Our Bread of Isolation” 

How can we respond to a Seder during which it is prohibited to host guests? Yitzchak Etshalom and David Block each offer unique tefillot to be recited at our Seder table this year.

Letters to the Editor: Responses to Michael Broyde on Time-bound Commandments

Two readers respond to Michael Broyde's recent article on time-bound commandments. Leah Sarna critiques Broyde's omission of female scholarship, and Avi Siegal argues that Broyde's unifying theory skews the data.

The Utility of Ambiguity

Dina Brawer explores "certainty" and "doubt" in rabbinic tradition.

The Jewish Calendar: A Scientific Perspective

William Gerwitz explains the scientific knowledge needed to fully understand the Jewish calendar.

Jewish Justice and #MeToo

Joshua Yuter considers rabbinic conceptions of justice in the age of #metoo.

Michael Broyde Responds Regarding Abortion, Halakhah, and Secular Law

What exactly did Rav Moshe Feinstein hold regarding our obligations toward secular law? Does Halakhah distinguish between the first forty days and afterward for gentiles? Michael Broyde responds to his critics.

Reclaiming Lag ba-Omer 

Rav Ronen Neuwirth suggests that the strictures of social distancing enable us to reduce this year's Lag BaOmer bonfires - which he sees as a very good thing.

A Return to the World of Medieval Ashkenaz

Alan Jotkowitz reviews the latest volume of Dr. Haym Soloveitchik’s collected essays, bringing us back to the world of medieval Ashkenaz.

Cantillation: Some Observations – Part 1

William Gewirtz explores the value of cantillation.

From Graduation to Contagion: Jewish Physicians Confront Plague in 1631

Contemporary physicians have been heroic in the battle against COVID-19, but what was it like to be one of a handful of Jewish doctors confronting the Bubonic Plague during the 17th-century in Italy? Prolific medical halakhist and historian Eddie Reichman takes a close look at the four Jewish graduates of the Padua medical school class of 1623.