Darkness We Have Come to Dispel: Between The Light of Hanukkah and the Black...
Mois Navon explores what makes Hanukkah so special.
Torah u-Madda Thirty Years Later
Elana Stein Hain explores how the frameworks offered by the humanities can mesh with our Torah-driven lives.
Nietzschean Man
Did Rav Soloveitchik buy into Nietzsche’s critique of religion? Alex Ozar reviews Daniel Rynhold and Michael Harris’s book, which surprisingly argues that the answer to this question is yes.
Reclaiming Dignity Revealed
The new book Reclaiming Dignity is taking the Anglo Jewish world by storm. Why? Emmanuel Bloch, who wrote his dissertation on the subject of tzeniut, argues that the work capitalizes on and extends a new, revolutionary halakhic and conceptual framework for tzeniut that has emerged only in recent years - one that offers a lens to the “soul of contemporary Jewish Orthodoxy.”
How Mendelssohn’s Torah and Philosophy Converge: A Study of “Anokhi”
How do Moses Mendelssohn and Revelation jibe? Judah Kerbel offers some perspective.
“She Should Carry Out All Her Deeds According to His Directives:” A Halakhah in...
Does the Rambam means what he says about gender relations? Yosef Bronstein surveys the intellectual landscape.
Wanted: Precision, Nuance, and Avodat Hashem
Jeffrey Woolf contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.
The Brachos Bee and Becoming American Orthodox Jews
The Brachos Bee, Zev Eleff argues, shows how Orthodox Jews Americanize and form their own particular religious subculture.
The Festival of Gathering: A Return to the Original Being
Aton Holzer offers an existential perspective on the transition from Yom Kippur to Sukkot and applies some Heideggerian concepts to the festival of gathering.
Confronting Biblical Criticism: A Review Essay
Marc B. Shapiro reviews a new edited volume by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student, and Alex Sztuden that offers a traditional defense of revelation in light of modern biblical criticism.