“Like a Fleeting Dream”: U-netaneh Tokef, Dreams, and the Meaning of the High Holy...
Man’s actions—even those that seem fleeting and insignificant—can have an impact, positive or negative. Oren Oppenheim explores themes of u-Netaneh Tokef
What is Teshuvah? Contrasting the Rav and Rav Lichtenstein
Meir Ekstein contransts Rav Soloveitchik’s and Rav Lichtenstein’s respective approaches to Teshuva.
Restoring the (Recitation of) Korbanot
Pressed for time, people often skip reciting the korbanot section of the morning prayers. With the High Holidays approaching, Judah Kerbel makes the case that the korbanot are far more central and halakhically significant to our prayers than we often realize.
Before, After, and During: Yehuda Amichai’s “Beterem”
In this timely article, Wendy Zierler examines how Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai's "Beterem" can provide readers with the inspiration they need leading up to the Days of Awe
On Yom Kippur, determinism and national unity
Aton Holzer explores the role of free will and its limits in the Yom Kippur liturgy.
Pat Yisra’el and Two Approaches to the Aseret Yemei Teshuvah
David Fried explores the humra of pat Yisrael during the aseret yemei teshuvah.
Yom Kippur, Fasting, and the Poor: Considering the Message of Isaiah 58
With Yom Kippur in view, Shlomo Zuckier presents a close reading of Isaiah 58.
Until It Is Enough: Conversations about Shiurim for Yom Kippur
Sarah Osborne offers guidance for people who need to eat on Yom Kippur.
Jeremiah Lockwood’s New Cantorial Blues Album, Kol Nidre, is a Yom Kippur Dream
Hillel Broder reviews the latest release from Jeremiah Lockwood.
Prayerful Poetry: A Translators’ Battle that Spanned the Atlantic
Yosef Lindell recounts the controversy surrounding different attempts at translating the Tishrei prayers.