What Yitro Can Teach Us About Synagogue Leadership
Gidon Rothstein mines parashat Yitro for insight into best practices in synagogue governance.
Can a Court Really Ban Kapparot and Why it Matters for the American Jewish...
Michael (Avi) Helfand on a recent court case with implications for American Jews as members of both a religious and a minority community.
Is a Modern Orthodox Humash Even Possible?
Jack Bieler continues the conversation about the need for and feasibility of a Modern Orthodox humash.
Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors
Chaim Trachtman squares biology with Spinoza and Maimonides.
A Question of Perpsective
Miriam Gedwiser
Chaim Saiman argues that the number of “gedolim” associated with a community - in this case, the modern and liberal Orthodox communities - is...
סליחות תשפ״ד
In an original Hebrew poem for Tishrei 5785, Shoshanah Haberman addresses God directly about the pain and uncertainty of our moment.
These Days
A new poem by Hannah Butcher-Stell, for the Days of Awe.
Hamilton and the Orthodox Underdog
Alex Fleksher explores the intersection between Hamilton and the ba'al teshuvah experience.
Lay-Rabbinic Relations: The Present Moment and the Path Ahead
Tzvi Sinensky contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.
Faithful Quotations: Of Saying, Bringing, and Citing
Authors mis-citing citations on authors citing authors. What gives? Yiddish.