“I Would Soar to the Sphere of Heaven”: Aleph and “I” in a Tishah...

In advance of Tisha Be-Av, Tzvi Novick annotates and interprets the kinnah of a’adeh ad hug shamayim by the master poet R. Eleazar ha-Kalir, unlocking its complex acrostic to determine who its speaker is meant to be.

On Nehama’s Yahrzeit, Thinking About Zeitgeists

What was on Nehama Leibowitz's bookshelf? Her authoritative biographer tells all, just in time for Nehama's 20th Yahrtzeit.

Titus and the Tripartite Soul: A Lesson on Leadership and Jewish Survival

With a novel reading of Josephus and Gittin, Shana Schwartz proposes that the tragedy of the second hurban and the mystery of subsequent Jewish survival may be understood by reference to the physiological knowledge available in classical antiquity.

Blacklists and Bureaucrats, Resistance and The Rabbinate

Fix the Israeli Rabbinate, says Elli Fischer, but first identify the problem.

Philanthropy is Great, It’s Where You Give That Matters

Hillel David Rap responds to Jordan Soffer and Jay Kelman.

A Year in Review – 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. Yet again, we have published at least one hundred original pieces across a wide variety of genres.

The OU Paper: Three Lenses

Elli Fischer contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Schools Need Leadership, Too: The OU and Day School Education

Sara Wolkenfeld contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Listening to Women’s Voices

In response to Sruli Besser's recent Mishpacha article, Sarah Rudolph suggests that his position was at odds with Judaism's midrashic tradition.

The Torah’s Song

What is the meaning of a biblical song? Writing for Parshat Ha'azinu and in memory of her beloved cousin, Shira Shaindel Rodman (née Brilliant) z”l, Elana Stein Hain reviews Geula Twersky's theory of biblical poetry as portrayed in her 2022 book Torah Song.