Authors Posts by Reuven Boshnack

Reuven Boshnack

Reuven Boshnack
Reuven Boshnack is the Rav of Pri Eitz Chaim/OAJC and a Rebbe, Mashgiach and Advisor for Undergraduate Torah Studies at Yeshiva University. He is the author of several sefarim on the Maharal, Sefas Emes and Izhbitz. Some of his books are published by Kodesh Press (Including one on Neot Deshe) and can be found here:

Man vs. Prophecy? A New Look at the Classic Discussion of Predetermination in the...

The Mei Ha-Shiloah’s statements on predetermination pose a theological challenge to foundational Jewish doctrines. In an analysis weaving together several Torah narratives and Izhbitzer commentaries, Reuven Boshnack proposes an empowering interpretation of the Mei Ha-Shiloah.