The Vanishing Non-Observant Orthodox Jew

Zev Eleff on an endangered species, the so-called Non-Observant Orthodox Jew.

Jeremiah Lockwood’s New Cantorial Blues Album, Kol Nidre, is a Yom Kippur Dream

Hillel Broder reviews the latest release from Jeremiah Lockwood.

The Zogerke’s Vort

The zogerke or firzogerin, once the vernacular translator in the women’s section of the synagogue, has faded into distant memory. Dalia Wolfson reimagines her for our times.

To Lower Tuition Costs, Stop Donating to Schools and Start a Bank

Hillel David Rapp comments on the connection between Jewish philanthropy and day school tuition.

Sin-a-gogue: A Must-Read for the Yamim Noraim

Jennie Rosenfeld reviews David Bashevkin's "Sin-a-gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought."

Hebrew Bible or Old Testament? Evaluating the American Biblical Tradition

Did the Founding Fathers derive their biblical values from the Hebrew Bible, or just the Old Testament? Yisroel Ben-Porat reviews "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land."

The State of the Conversation

Zev Eleff and Ari Lamm cap off the Lehrhaus Symposium on the OU statement.

Leviticus, Leonard Cohen, and the Paradox of Rest

Sarah Rindner asks what the Book of Leviticus, Leonard Cohen and the Liberty Bell all have in common.

The Autism Question and Beyond: Rereading the Joseph Saga 

R. Yitzchak Blau analyzes the 2018 book, Was Yosef on the Spectrum?
Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein

Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study

Rami Reiner breaks new ground, analyzing Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's view of academic Jewish studies.