The Staggering Brilliance of Rambam’s Fourth Chapter of The Laws of Repentance 

Alan Jotkowitz shares insights into Rambam’s Hilkhot Teshuvah

Istanis: Is it Ever Too Hot for Halakhah?

Moshe Kurtz looks as discomfort as a factor in Halakha

The Species for Change

Chana Chava Ford explains what Sukkot might teach us about real religious change.

The Utility of Ambiguity

Dina Brawer explores "certainty" and "doubt" in rabbinic tradition.

The Challenges of the Gaza War and Growing Antisemitism

Yosef Blau, Senior Mashgiah Ruhani at Yeshiva University, wonders about the direction of Religious Zionism after October 7 and considers the role of Modern Orthodoxy outside of Israel.

Politics from the Pulpit: An Epistemological Reflection

Politics from the Pulpit Redux: Don Seeman builds on Jason Herman.

Strength in This Time

Rachel Sharansky-Danziger limns the deep collective pain of October 7th on Israelis and forges a way forward amidst its intensity.

Hevel: The Journey of an Intangible Word

Benjamin Barer traces the word Hevel through Jewish texts, showing how the use of the same word can teach us both about the wisdom of Kohelet we read this past Shabbat and the character of Hevel who we will read about in this week's Parashah.

Three in One: Creation, Exodus, and Equality

Ezra Sivan presents a new analysis of Shabbat and how it throws light on so much more in the Torah.

The Maculate Conception: Introducing a Symposium on Rabbi Prof. David Weiss Halivni

Elli Fischer Just over a month ago, the Jewish world lost Rabbi Professor David Weiss Halivni, one of its greatest and most creative Talmudic minds...