Peshat and Beyond: How the Hasidic Masters Read the Torah
Batya Hefter uses the case of Isaac to illuminate how hasidic masters read the Bible.
Gleaning the Wisdom of Ruth
In advance of Shavuot, Stuart Halpern reviews Reading Ruth, a succinct but poignant new literary commentary on the Book of Ruth, by Leon Kass and his granddaughter Hannah Mandelbaum.
Manna as a “Detox Diet”: On Rav Mendel of Rymanov’s Segulah for Parnassah
Lehrhaus Founding and Consulting Editor Elli Fischer on why R. Mendel of Rimanov is said to have spoken about the man every Shabbat for 22 consecutive years, and why reciting parshat ha-man the Tuesday before Parshat Beshalah might not be a segulah for parnasa, but R. Mendel's exhortation to be content with our lot.
In God’s Country: The “Zionism” of Rashi’s First Comment
Elli Fischer reads one of Rashi's most famous comments against the grain.
“For These Things I Weep”: Psychological Readings of Lamentations
In time for Tisha Be-Av, Marc Eichenbaum offers a meaningful new reading of Eikha using modern psychological concepts like grief, trauma, and narrative construction.
One Day, One Chapter; Four Recitations and Four Themes in Psalm 24
Yaakov Jaffe explores four themes of Psalm 24 as recited on the second day of Rosh Hashanah.
Narcissus and the Nazir
Tzvi Sinensky explores the Talmudic version of the Roman myth of Narcissus
Two Pieces on Terumah
The poetry of the Mishkan: Abe Mezrich mines Parshat Terumah for its poetic potential.
Sexual Assault: A Torah Analysis and Its Modern Implications
Rena Kosowsky compares the treatment of sexual assault in the Bible and the Talmud, and explores the implications of what that means for how we should address it today.
No Milk, No Trust
Beth Kissileff explains how Moses' complaint about not being the Israelite's nursemaid shows how he is unfit for leadership.