Where Will the Kosher Cheeseburger Come From?
Ari Elias-Bachrach explores the science behind lab-produced meat and cheese and the possibility of a realistic kosher cheeseburger.
Is a Modern Orthodox Humash Even Possible?
Jack Bieler continues the conversation about the need for and feasibility of a Modern Orthodox humash.
Philosophy and Exegesis: Which Leads? A Review of Aaron Koller’s Unbinding Isaac
Zvi Grumet reviews Aaron Koller’s new book on the Akedah and evaluates his surprisingly novel approach to this formative biblical story.
Sin-a-gogue: A Must-Read for the Yamim Noraim
Jennie Rosenfeld reviews David Bashevkin's "Sin-a-gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought."
Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution
Gila Bieler-Hoch reviews Hilkhot Nashim, published by JOFA and Maggid Books.
Rabbi Yohanan Reads the Book of Job
In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Dan Ornstein creatively imagines the story of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Yohanan through his teachings on the Book of Job. The short story is followed by a reflection on the methodology and power of "contemporary midrash."
The Not-So-Orthodox Embrace of the New Age Movement
Ben Rothke takes a sober look at a new book that tries to square Orthodox Judaism with New Age Medicine.
Purim, Poverty, And Propriety—Three Talmudic Stories
Dan Ornstein explains how three Talmudic stories about mishloah manot and matanot le-evyonim on Purim can sensitize us to how to relate to the recipients of these gifts.
A Return to the World of Medieval Ashkenaz
Alan Jotkowitz reviews the latest volume of Dr. Haym Soloveitchik’s collected essays, bringing us back to the world of medieval Ashkenaz.
The Pedagogical Imagination of a Subversive Conservative: Rabbi Soloveitchik’s Arrival as an Educational Visionary
Jeffrey Saks concludes The Lehrhaus series, mapping out the intellectual biography of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik