Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and...

Steven Weiner writes on the significance of tears on Tishah Be-Av and how they relate to the thanks of birkat ha-mazon.

Tzaddik ve-Ra Lo: Revisiting the Problem of Evil in Chaim Grade’s My Quarrel with...

Marina Zilbergerts presents the philosophical questions posed by Chaim Grade's “My Quarrel with Hersh Rasseyner,” and compares his arguments to those of other major thinkers such as Voltaire, Rousseau, Dostoevsky, and Nietzsche.

Racism Redux

Chaim Trachtman offers some concluding thoughts on Judaism and racisim, and responds to Elli Fischer.

Civilian Casualties in the Light of Halakhah and Ethics: Revisiting Rav Shaul Yisraeli’s Analysis

Aryeh Klapper analyzes Rav Shaul Yisraeli’s classic work on civilian casualties in Halakhah.

The Invention of Jewish Theocracy: A Review of Alexander Kaye’s New Book

What motivated the first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rav Herzog, to work tirelessly on the seemingly quixotic project of running the modern State of Israel on the basis of Halakhah? Reviewing Alexandar Kaye's new book on the subject, Rabbi Shalom Carmy explains.

The Hazon Ish Wasn’t Writing About Using Computers

Dan Margulies explains the Hazon Ish's discussion about the problem of using electricity on Shabbat, with implications for Zoom Sedarim.

How Will We Recognize Shabbat?

Gabriel Greenberg looks at a Talmudic passage on what to do when you don’t know which day is Shabbat and the insights it provides for our current situation.

Why Do We Deserve God’s Favor?

Ezra Sivan probes the Sabbath and the Torah's call to love God.

Is a Dateline a Logical Necessity? The Halakhic View Less Often Quoted

William Gewirtz discusses the necessity of a Halakhic Dateline.

Between Shabbat and Lynch Mobs

Ezra Sivan asks what light the narratives of Shabbat and the scouts shed on some critical social questions.