How Will We Recognize Shabbat?

Gabriel Greenberg looks at a Talmudic passage on what to do when you don’t know which day is Shabbat and the insights it provides for our current situation.

“Certainty Has Never Been Mine”: The Denominational Eclecticism of David Ellenson

Just in advance of the shloshim for David Ellenson, the former president of Hebrew Union College, Jonathan D. Sarna pays tribute to a man whose life, work, and friendships spanned the Jewish denominational divide.

The End of Contradiction: Resolving the Mysteries of The Guide to the Perplexed

Josh Frankel reviews Lenn Goodman’s new work of commentary on Moreh Nevukhim, which brings Rambam’s work to life for careful, contemporary readers.

Rabbi Yohanan Reads the Book of Job

In his latest for the Lehrhaus, Dan Ornstein creatively imagines the story of the Talmudic sage Rabbi Yohanan through his teachings on the Book of Job. The short story is followed by a reflection on the methodology and power of "contemporary midrash."

Rebuilding a Future When Our World Comes Crashing Down

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan examines how the yibbum triangle of Ruth, Tamar, and Lot's daughters teaches us how to rebuild our lives in a time of upheaval.

Permission to Forbid: New Gezeirot in the History of Halakhah

Are today's rabbis allowed to initiate new prohibitions? Aryeh Klapper analyzes a responsum on the issue of halakhic innovation regarding new technologies.

The Jewish Leap Day: A Halakhic Analysis of a Calendar Conundrum

The secular calendar has its leap day on Feb. 29. On the Jewish calendar, our leap day is 30 Adar I, since Adar in a non-leap year always has 29 days. Yaakov Taubes explores all of the Halakhot pertaining to this unique day.

An Alternative History of American Modern Orthodoxy

Leah Sarna contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Did the Prophet Amos Predict the Women’s Siyum Daf Yomi?

Yaakov Jaffe explains how Biblical grammar and parables come together in Amos to teach us about women's Talmud Torah.

Beyond Perfect Repentance

Eliezer Finkelman discusses the meaning of perfect repentance.