“Doctor, I Need My Rabbi”: How can Halakhah be Practical in Medical Ethics?

Zackary Sholem Berger Reviews Rabbi Jason Weiner's Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision Making.

A New Book Brings Hebrew Language and Liturgy to Life

Daniel A. Klein reviews a new book on Hebrew by Mitchell First.

Book Review: Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History by Susan Weingarten

Yakov Ellenbogen reviews Susan Weingarten's Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History.

Modern Orthodoxy at the Crossroads: Past, Present, and Future

Steven Bayme reviews Joseph Kaplan’s diverse collection of essays on the history and future directions of Modern Orthodoxy in America.

Review of Antisemitism: Here and Now

Judah Kerbel Reviews Deborah E. Lipstadt's Antisemitism: Here and Now.

Rav Aharon Lichtenstein’s Enduring Values

Alan Jotkowitz reviews Rav Lichtenstein’s Values in Halakha.

Judaism and its Others: A Review Essay

Menachem Kellner reviews Judaism’s Challenge: Election, Divine Love, and Human Enmity.

Seinfeld at Your Seder

Esther Lindell reviews “The Haggadah about Nothing,” Rabbi Sam Reinstein’s not-too-serious exploration of how the Haggadah relates to Seinfeld, the ever-popular 90s sitcom.

Traditional Revolutionaries

Ilan Fuchs reviews Naomi Seidman’s book Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement.

The End of Contradiction: Resolving the Mysteries of The Guide to the Perplexed

Josh Frankel reviews Lenn Goodman’s new work of commentary on Moreh Nevukhim, which brings Rambam’s work to life for careful, contemporary readers.