The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar

Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.

Daniel Deronda and Fate and Destiny: Reflections on Zionism and Feminism

What do you get when you read George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda alongside Rav Soloveitchik’s Kol Dodi Dofek? A cross between Zionism and feminism, argues Eileen Watts.

Rabbi Steinsaltz: An Open Secret

What led Rav Steinsaltz to inaugurate a yeshiva in the Soviet House of Sciences on February 22, 1989? In honor of R. Steinzlatz's sheloshim, Yehiel Poupko, a first-hand witness, offers a glimpse into the inner world of his mentor.

Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein’s Novel Position on Women’s Talmud Study

The novelty of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein's teachings on women's Talmud study... explained, by Shlomo Zuckier!

Refusing to Bury Family Members of a Get Refuser: A Dramatic Step With Longstanding...

Ari Elias-Bachrach examines the Israel Cheif Rabbi's recent decision not to bury the mother of a get-refuser.

Life, Children, and Sustenance: Personal Reflections on the Legacy of a Torah Scholar

Richard Hidary's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.

The Yemima Method: An Israeli Psychological-Spiritual Approach

Yael Unterman reflects on the Yemima Method, the psycho-spiritual approach little-known in America but quickly growing in popularity in Israel.

Professor Menahem Hayyim Schmelzer’s Beloved Books 

David Selis and Zvi Erenyi share their memories of JTS Librarian Professor Menahem Schmelzer for his sheloshim.

Modeling Modernity: Revisiting the Rabbi Soloveitchik Paradigm

Chaim Trachtman contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Moses Mendelssohn

Moses Mendelssohn and the Orthodox Mind

Zev Eleff and Menachem Butler explore the reception of Moses Mendelssohn in American Orthodox Judaism, focusing on a curious commotion surrounding the bicentennial of Mendelssohn's death