A Night of Watching in the House of the Rav

Bezalel Naor translates and contextualizes a poem by Pinchas Peli about the home of Rav Kook.


William Kolbrener offers insight into the intellectual underpinnings of the Rav's 1932 interview recently re-published by The Lehrhaus.

Rabbi Steinsaltz: My Mentor, Teacher, and Guide

Shmuel Greene describes the lessons he learned from his Rebbe, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz ztz"l

A Yahrzeit & A Pandemic: Thoughts On R. Amital In The Age of...

In commemoration of Rav Amital's tenth Yahrzeit, Joe Wolfson, JLIC Rabbi at NYU, shares how the legacy of Rav Amital inspired his community's humanitarian efforts during the Covid19 pandemic.

Countering Counter-History: Re-Considering Rav Aharon’s Road Not Taken

Tovah Lichtenstein responds to and critiques Zev Eleff's counter-history, "What if Rav Aharon Had Stayed?"

A Return to Moderation: Rabbi Lamm’s Passionate Plea for Civility

Tzvi Sinensky examines Rabbi Lamm’s lifelong commitment to civility.
Rabbi Lamm

Creation in a Chaotic Decade: Rabbi Lamm in the 60s

Lawrence Kobrin recalls Rabbi Norman Lamm's 1960s emergence as a pivotal Orthodox rabbi in Manhattan and Jewish intellectual.

A Tribute to Arthur Hyman z”l: Scholar, Teacher, and Exemplary Human Being

David Berger's eulogy for Revel's late Prof. Arthur Hyman, a leading scholar of Medieval Jewish philosophy.

My Rebbe

Chaim Davis shares reflections based on his family’s (and his) close relationship with Rabbi Steinsaltz.

Guilt and Shame Cultures in the Thought of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Marc Eichenbaum explores the idea of guilt and shame cultures in the thought of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"tl, which provides a novel interpretation of Torah and a powerful lesson for contemporary society.