Lo Alman Yisrael: Reflections on the Legacy of Yaakov Elman

A series of reflections commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, of blessed memory.

A Eulogy for Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l

There has been an outpouring of appreciation for Rabbi Sacks' mentorship and role modeling for the younger generation of British Jewish thinkers and rising leaders. One such mentee, Sam Lebens, shares personal and theological perspectives on the passing of the rebbe for whom he tore keria just a few days ago.

“Answer Us in the Merit of Our Master, Answer Us:” An Election-Day Reflection on...

Shaul Seidler-Feller Introduction Early last week, a friend forwarded me a recently-published video produced in Israel. When it began to play, I was quickly taken in...

Modeling Modernity: Revisiting the Rabbi Soloveitchik Paradigm

Chaim Trachtman contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Reflections on Rav Aharon Lichtenstein’s Sixth Yahrtzeit

It has been six years since Rav Aharon Lichtenstein passed away. In reviewing a 2018 collection of essays by Rav Lichtenstein’s students, Alan Jotkowitz reflects on what we have lost and the void that remains.

Rabbi Steinsaltz: My Mentor, Teacher, and Guide

Shmuel Greene describes the lessons he learned from his Rebbe, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz ztz"l

How Can the Modern Orthodox Community Fulfill the Rav’s Vision for Women’s Talmud Study?

Rivka Kahan weighs in on the impact of the Rav's 1977 Stern College Talmud lecture and how the Modern Orthodox community can move forward.

My Rebbe – Rav Nachum Eliezer Rabinovitch

Rav Yoni Rosensweig remembers his rebbe, HaRav Nachum Rabinovitch zz"l.

A Tribute to Yaakov Elman

Mahnaz Moazami's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.

Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht and His Unintentional Revolution in Yavneh

Shlomo Abramovich explores the relationship and tensions between KBY and its founding rosh yeshiva.