Rabbi Lamm

Creation in a Chaotic Decade: Rabbi Lamm in the 60s

Lawrence Kobrin recalls Rabbi Norman Lamm's 1960s emergence as a pivotal Orthodox rabbi in Manhattan and Jewish intellectual.

Rav Lichtenstein on Wissenschaft in his Own (Yiddish) Words

Shlomo Zuckier presents Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's own thoughts on academic Talmud.

Maimonides at the Museum

David Fried reviews The Golden Path: Maimonides Across Eight Centuries, the companion volume to the Yeshiva University Museum’s exhibit on Maimonides.
Norman Lamm

Rabbi Norman Lamm and His Crusade for the Jewish Home

Zev Eleff explores how the Jewish family anchored Rabbi Norman Lamm's sermons and thought during the destabilizing 1960s.

Yeshiva University President Rabbi Ari Berman’s Opening Shiur

YU President Ari Berman's opening address, comparing YU to a Sukkah! Shlomo Zuckier captures this historic moment in his notes.

Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler and the Golden Age of Jewish Medical Ethics

Alan Jotkowitz reflects on Rabbi Moshe Tendler’s unique contributions to Jewish medical ethics.

An Alternate View on Rav Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study

Lawrence Kaplan In his recent Lehrhaus essay “Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein and Academic Talmud Study,” Professor Avraham (Rami) Reiner proves himself to be a genuine disciple...

The Rational Theology of Rav Aharon Lichtenstein

David J. Landes z"l, former chairman of the Etzion Foundation at Yeshivat Har Etzion, developed a very close relationship with Rav Aharon Lichtenstein zt"l. In honor of Rav Lichtenstein's 6th yahrtzeit, Dr. Landes' family has generously offered to publish his penetrating analysis of Rav Lichtenstein's 1957 Harvard dissertation, published in 1962 under the title Henry More: The Rational Theology of a Cambridge Platonist.

Rabbi Steinsaltz: An Open Secret

What led Rav Steinsaltz to inaugurate a yeshiva in the Soviet House of Sciences on February 22, 1989? In honor of R. Steinzlatz's sheloshim, Yehiel Poupko, a first-hand witness, offers a glimpse into the inner world of his mentor.

Eliezer Melamed, Unpredictable and Non-Tribal Posek: The Case of Women’s Roles

David Silverstein explores the recent attempts to ban Rav Eliezer Melamed and his already-classic Peninei Halakha.