Abraham and the 1960s – Technocracy and the Journey Inward

Sam Glauber examines Abraham's place in his society.

The Rabbi-Kid Dilemma: Another Angle

Zev Eleff responds to Elli Fischer's provocative commentary from yesterday, offering another side on the issue of rabbis' (and everyone else's) children.

Beth Hamedrash Hagadol’s Finest Hour

Zev Eleff explores the enduring legacy of the recently destroyed Beth Hamedrash Hagadol on Norfolk Street.

Translating Theory into Practice to Revolutionize the Teaching of Talmud

Yaakov Bieler continues the conversation on Talmud education, introducing "action research" to the discussion.

From Lawlessness to Respectability: A Response to Eli Putterman

Lawrence Kaplan responds to Eli Putterman's essay on Reish Laqish and sexuality.

A Vision for the Visiting Scholar

Matt Reingold contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Why the Courts Got the Get-Torturer Case Right: Religious Liberty as Mutual Accommodation

Yishai Schwartz responds to Michael (Avi) Helfand on the matter of American law, religious liberties and get-torture.

Not in the Market for a Gadol

Wendy Amsellem While I greatly enjoyed reading Chaim Saiman’s thoughtful essay, “The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand,” nothing about it made...

The Day I Met Shimon Peres

Leslie Ginsparg Klein's reflections on Shimon Peres, Zionism, and the importance of nuance.

The Realities of Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: A Recent Case and a Cause...

Michael (Avi) Helfand offers an analysis of the legal battle between Susan Abeles’s and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).