The Function of the Centrist Orthodox Gadol

Lawrence Kaplan I read Chaim Saiman’s essay, “The Market for Gedolim: A Tale of Supply and Demand,” with growing excitement and admiration. Saiman’s shift of...

Resurrecting Moses Mendelssohn

Tzvi Sinensky As chronicled in Robert Putnam’s 2000 classic book, Bowling Alone, loneliness is one of the vexing challenges of modern life. The advent of the...

Beth Hamedrash Hagadol’s Finest Hour

Zev Eleff explores the enduring legacy of the recently destroyed Beth Hamedrash Hagadol on Norfolk Street.

Who Will Defend Maimonides? Rav Soloveitchik on the Mishneh Torah and the Guide

With the aid of some new primary sources, David Curwin offers a fresh view of the Rav's embrace of Rambam and his most important writings.

The Baptized Jew Who Had a Lot to Teach Us about Orthodox Judaism

Peter Berger, Daniel Korobkin argues, offers an important lens to understand Orthodox Judaism, its religious features and institutions.

Schools Need Leadership, Too: The OU and Day School Education

Sara Wolkenfeld contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Mishnah with Meaning: Review of The Soul of the Mishna by Yakov Nagen

Yakov Nagen's Soul of the Mishna contains a wealth of readings that combine academic, literary, and spiritual perspectives on the Mishnah, writes Richard Hidary. Read the full review of the book, now accessible to an English-speaking audience, in our latest at the Lehrhaus.

Demystifying Day School Tuition

James Wolfe outlines the vision for a new website meant to democratize day school information.

Two Decades of Learning with Professor Halivni

Elana Stein Hain Editor’s Note: We are running a number of pieces for the sheloshim of Professor David Weiss Halivni z"l. For Elli Fischer’s introduction...

No Law in Heaven

Moshe Koppel Reviews Chaim Saiman's Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law.