Professor Yaakov Elman: A Talmud Scholar of Singular Depth and Scope

Shana Strauch Schicks's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.

The “Essentials” of Orthodox Judaism

Dr. Chaim Trachtman explores the role of essentialism within Orthodox Judaism

The Parenthetical Problem of Alenu

Zev Eleff on a perennially interesting portion of the liturgy.

Facts are Like Fish: A Response to The Arrival of Rabbi Soloveitchik in America:...

Dr. Tovah Lichtenstein responds to the details of the previously published Rav timeline.

From San Francisco to Synagogue: Can Startup Culture Invigorate Jewish Organizations?

Gabi Weinberg assesses the utility of a new monograph on Jewish leadership.

An Alternative History of American Modern Orthodoxy

Leah Sarna contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and the Ancient Marine Rhyme: A Study...

Yaakov Jaffe analyzes and compares the "Song of the Sea" and the "Rime of the Ancient Mariner."

Madda or Hokhmah? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on the Integration of Torah and General Wisdom

In the next installment of our Torah u-Madda symposium, Dr. Erica Brown reflects on the concepts and values expressed by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt"l in his discussions on the integration of Torah and secular life.

Is Silence Complicity?: An Analysis of Shtikah Ke-Hoda’ah from Classic Halakhah to Current Events

Moshe Kurtz explores the different meanings of silence in Halakhah in light of recent political events

A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World: Part 2

In part 1, Gil Perl argued that Modern Orthodox is in need of a Hedgehog Concept and put forward Or (la-)Goyim as a candidate for that role. In part 2, he details what this might look like in practice and why it would appeal to our youth in a post-modern world.