Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu: What Does it Mean to Rejoice Over Victory?
Judah Kerbel discusses why we say an abbreviated Hallel on the last six days of Pesah and contemplates what that says about the war in Israel; self-defense is a must, as is gratitude toward God, but we also hold space for the losses on the other side.
The Realities of Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: A Recent Case and a Cause...
Michael (Avi) Helfand offers an analysis of the legal battle between Susan Abeles’s and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).
What is Ne’ilah?
The Ne’ilah prayer, which we recite only once a year, clearly represents a moment of great religious drama, but its precise nature and purpose are somewhat mysterious. Alan Jotkowitz presents four different models for understanding Ne’ilah, drawing upon the teachings of Rav Yehuda Amital, Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, and Rav Ya’akov Medan.
Torah u-Madda Thirty Years Later
Elana Stein Hain explores how the frameworks offered by the humanities can mesh with our Torah-driven lives.
Ahron Marcus: The Leading Hasidic, Zionist, Scholar of Ancient Judaism You Never Heard of
Who's the Pioneer of Hasidic Literature, Most Important Zionist, and Defender of the Masorah? Shlomo Zuckier explores Ahron Marcus' legacy.
Biblical Proportionality: The War to Restore our Faith in Man
Aton Holzer reflects on the loss of faith Israelis are going through following the events of October 7.
Would the Rav Approve of the Soloveitchik Siddur?
Yaakov Jaffe on the Rav, prayer and Modern Orthodox Jews who wish to pray like the Rav.
A Eulogy for Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: Teaching us how to take on the world
At the Orthodox Union in 1997, Rabbi Sacks first developed the theme that there are 2 Torot: Torat Kohanim and Torat Nevi'im. Nathan Diament shares from that talk, interwoven with personal reflections on Rabbi Sacks' optimism and his insightful use of Jewish jokes.
Does Hashem Wear Pyjamas? On The Unacknowledged Educators Of Seder Night
As we approach the Seder, Joe Wolfson invites us to consider how children’s questions help adults appreciate the true meaning of Pesach.
Prayerful Poetry: A Translators’ Battle that Spanned the Atlantic
Yosef Lindell recounts the controversy surrounding different attempts at translating the Tishrei prayers.