“Of Persons and Peoples” – A Review of Gleanings: Reflections on Ruth

David Bashevkin reviews Gleanings: Reflections on Ruth.

The Maculate Conception: Introducing a Symposium on Rabbi Prof. David Weiss Halivni

Elli Fischer Just over a month ago, the Jewish world lost Rabbi Professor David Weiss Halivni, one of its greatest and most creative Talmudic minds...

Serpentine Psychology and Booming Babel

Shalom Carmy argues why Torah u-Madda is more relevant now than it ever was.

Halakhic Poet? Translating the Rav for a Generation that ‘Knew not Joseph’

Aryeh Klapper with some new translation-stylings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's Halakhic Man.

Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation

Gil Perl draws from Rav Shagar to argue that "Postmodern Orthodoxy turns its gaze inward toward the conflicts raging within the individual as he or she seeks out meaning and strives for relevance.

Back to School: A Path to Sustainability

Chavie Kahn argues that endowments are essential to resolving the tuition crisis.


William Kolbrener offers insight into the intellectual underpinnings of the Rav's 1932 interview recently re-published by The Lehrhaus.

My War Diary

This war diary, presented by Susan Weingarten, relates her experience in a kibbutz on the Gazan border on October 7th and the days following her return to Jerusalem after the Hamas massacre.

Rabbi Warns Jews on Education: Advises Blend of Secular Study

In December 1932, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik had just arrived in Boston and outlined his vision for Orthodox Jewish education in the United States.

Orthodoxy’s Response to Biblical Criticism: A Review of Joshua Berman’s Ani Maamin

Joshua Berman, a leading Tanakh scholar, has written a compelling book that addresses head-on many of the challenges posed by biblical criticism. Michael Harris explains.