“Answer Us in the Merit of Our Master, Answer Us:” An Election-Day Reflection on...

Shaul Seidler-Feller Introduction Early last week, a friend forwarded me a recently-published video produced in Israel. When it began to play, I was quickly taken in...

The Exodus, America’s Ever-Present Inspiration

Stuart Halpern explains how, when faced with uncertainty, danger, and personal and communal hardships, Americans have turned to the story of the Exodus for inspiration.

Beginning the day with Halakhah or with Spirituality?

Yaakov Jaffe examines how the order of our morning Tefillot can shape the way we approach our day.

Wanted: Precision, Nuance, and Avodat Hashem

Jeffrey Woolf contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

The Balabatish Daf Yomi Revolution

How did daf yomi evolve from a yeshiva-centered program to one focused on the working Jew? Zev Eleff offers a historical overview of the daf yomi revolution.

Social Distancing in the Rabbinic Tradition

Jeremy Brown discusses some remarkable Talmudic and historical precedents for social distancing during pandemics.

Judaism’s Hidden Road to Character

What do the wisdom of traditional Jewish texts and the recent findings of modern psychology have in common? Marc Eichenbaum finds commonalities in both to promote a character-driven approach to Jewish education.

Re-reading Bereishit: A Review of David Fohrman’s New Book

Tammy Jacobowitz reviews David Forman's latest book, a companion to Sefer Bereishit, and finds engaging, instructive literary analysis that pulls new insights from familiar stories.

A Call For a New Modern Orthodox Humash

A call for a new Modern Orthodox Humash, and a history of the current ones, by Yosef Lindell.

On the Freedom to Pray: A Response to Professor Jonathan Sarna

Jonathan Muskat responds to Jonathan Sarna regarding a proposed change in the text of the Orthodox Jewish prayer for the government.