The First Yeshiva Exile

Reading R. Eliezer b. Hyrcanus and Shammai through an autistic lens, Liz Shayne explores how uncompromising, righteous anger can find a place in the beit midrash.

Praying for Governments We Dislike?

Historian Jonathan Sarna places a recent decision by an Orthodox synagogue to modify the "prayer for the government" into sharp historical focus.

Would the Rav Approve of the Soloveitchik Siddur?

Yaakov Jaffe on the Rav, prayer and Modern Orthodox Jews who wish to pray like the Rav.

The Nature of Halakhic Civil Law

Chaim Saiman analyzes how the Torah's two introductions to the revelation at Sinai correspond to two perspectives on the nature of halakhic civil law.

Purim and the Joke of Jewish Sovereignty

Zach Truboff argues that Purim reminds us of our vulnerability even with the State of Israel.

Madda or Hokhmah? Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on the Integration of Torah and General Wisdom

In the next installment of our Torah u-Madda symposium, Dr. Erica Brown reflects on the concepts and values expressed by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks zt"l in his discussions on the integration of Torah and secular life.

Celebration and Exploration: Why Good Israel Education Needs Both

In this timely essay, Noam Weissman of OpenDor Media argues for a form of Israel education that tackles challenging topics in Israel’s history.

Revisiting Mendelssohn’s Living Script

Tzvi Sinensky responds to Lawrence Kaplan and continues the discussion on Mendelssohn and Jewish law.

Rupture and Revelation

Ayelet Wenger weaves together the personal, historical and exegetical in advance of reading Sefer Shemot.

Politics from the Pulpit: An Epistemological Reflection

Politics from the Pulpit Redux: Don Seeman builds on Jason Herman.