Ron Santo and the Jews

A historical document on the Jewish love for the Cubs all-time great third baseman.

Privilege and Power in the Torah

In this thought-provoking piece, Aharon Frazer traces the approach to power and privilege in the Torah from Genesis through Deuteronomy, and offers a framework for the ethical use of power in our own times.

Liturgical Repetition: When Singing Becomes Sacrilegious

With the High Holidays approaching, a time iconic for its songful liturgy, Moshe Kurtz scrutinizes the practice of cantors repeating words during davening.

Moses Mendelssohn and the Mimetic Society: Then and Now

Lawrence Kaplan makes a case for Mendelssohn's vision for our time.

The Iniquity of Inequity

Rosh Hashanah is a day dedicated to reflecting on our relationships with all humanity. If so, Ari Perl contends, we confront the fact that for all the extraordinary work in the Orthodox community in regard to organ donation, there is one area where we have fallen short.

Judaism’s Hidden Road to Character

What do the wisdom of traditional Jewish texts and the recent findings of modern psychology have in common? Marc Eichenbaum finds commonalities in both to promote a character-driven approach to Jewish education.

Refusing to Bury Family Members of a Get Refuser: A Dramatic Step With Longstanding...

Ari Elias-Bachrach examines the Israel Cheif Rabbi's recent decision not to bury the mother of a get-refuser.

Why Religious Liberty Can’t Justify Torture, Even When It’s for a Get

Avi Helfand on when law trumps religious liberty, and for good reason.

Ahron Marcus: The Leading Hasidic, Zionist, Scholar of Ancient Judaism You Never Heard of

Who's the Pioneer of Hasidic Literature, Most Important Zionist, and Defender of the Masorah? Shlomo Zuckier explores Ahron Marcus' legacy.

The Realities of Religious Accommodation in the Workplace: A Recent Case and a Cause...

Michael (Avi) Helfand offers an analysis of the legal battle between Susan Abeles’s and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA).