jonathan sacks

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’s Portrait of Moses

In honor of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’s 70th birthday, Ari Lamm explores his legacy as a biblical commentator.

A Love Letter to the Woman of Valor

Who is the Woman of Valor, really? She's a woman engaged in a relationship of mutuality, argues Malka Simkovich, and someone who has her own voice and deserves to be heard.

Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy.

Marc Dworkin re-examines the impact of Rav Shagar's thought on the English-speaking audience.

Nietzschean Man

Did Rav Soloveitchik buy into Nietzsche’s critique of religion? Alex Ozar reviews Daniel Rynhold and Michael Harris’s book, which surprisingly argues that the answer to this question is yes.

Rav Kook on Culture and History

Zach Truboff explores Rav Kook's fascinating philosophy of history, focusing on five recently translated essays.

Cross-Dressing and Cross-Conduct: When Lo Yilbash Meets Contemporary Western Culture

Moshe Kurtz examines the Torah’s prohibition on cross-dressing as a lens to view the shifting contemporary gender norms.

God, Torah, Self: Accepting the Yoke of Heaven in the Writings of Rav Shagar

Rav Shagar's postmodern insights on accepting the yoke of Heaven, for your pre-Shavuos reading pleasure!

The Will is Man’s Only Property: A Reading of a Short Passage from Mr....

Who was Monsieur Shoshani, the mysterious and brilliant teacher of some of the greatest 20th century Jewish thinkers? A new look into recently published notebooks of this important figure may help solve the puzzle. David Lang, Yoel Finkelman, and Admiel Kosman offer a commentary and analysis of one such enigmatic passage.

The Pitfalls of Excessive Rabbinic Honorifics

What is the appropriate way to address a rabbi? Moshe Kurtz offers a thoughtful perspective on lay usage of rabbinic titles.

A Journey to the Land of Prayer

An exclusive look into Rav Dov Singer's new English work on prayer, Prepare My Prayer.