Cantillation: Some Observations – Part 1

William Gewirtz explores the value of cantillation.

Avraham and Sodom: To Pray Against God

Avraham’s challenge to God’s planned destruction of Sodom raises the fundamental ethical problem of collective punishment. The resolution of this challenge, Sruli Fruchter explains, enables Avraham to realize God’s highest ideals and to confront the conflict between compassion for oppressors and consideration for their victims.

A Pediatric Akeidah

Chaim Trachtman sees the Akeida as addressing the threat to human life, especially that of children, which is always inherent in the religious experience.

The Patron Saint of Rabbis’ Kids

The father heard the voice of God, Elli Fischer explains, but the son ends up with the blade on his neck.

The Difference Between Lo Tahmod and Lo Tit’avveh: An Insight Based on the Hitpa’el

Mitchell First explains the difference in the wording of the tenth commandment in Exodus and Deutoronomy in light of a grammatical insight by Benno Jacob.

Guilt and Shame Cultures in the Thought of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Marc Eichenbaum explores the idea of guilt and shame cultures in the thought of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z"tl, which provides a novel interpretation of Torah and a powerful lesson for contemporary society.

Does Peri Etz Hadar Mean Etrog?

David Moster explores the meaning of Peri Etz Hadar.

The Source of Joseph’s Dreams 

Lazarre Simckes analyses Joseph’s dreams through the lens of trauma psychology.

Moses and Joseph’s bones

Sharing his Torah commentaries in English for the first time, Nissim Bellahsen of France examines the role of Moses in the atonement for Joseph's sale.

The Non-Blaspheming “Blasphemer” and the Broader Ethic of the Episode

  Mark Glass I. It is fair to say that Sefer Vayikra is not known for its narratives. It is devoted, for the most part, to the...