From Kayin to Korah: The Fellow Founders of Foment
Shlomo Zuckier wonders why the earth opened its mouth for both Korah and Kayin.
Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow
Zach Truboff draws on personal experience in considering the place of Yizkor on Yom Tov.
Where is the Justice in the Tenth Plague?
Ezra Sivan asks: Where is the justice in the tenth plague?
Mikra Bikkurim at the Seder: A View from Deuteronomy
Tzvi Sinensky suggests that we can best understand the Haggadah against the backdrop of Sefer Devarim.
Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)
Matt Lubin seeks to resolve the mystery of the korban asham.
Summer Chaplaincy as Modern Priesthood; a Theological Reflection
Eliyahu Freedman compares hospital chaplains to the Kohanim.
The Life and Death of Moses’ Staff
Yosef Lindell tracks the Staff of Moses throughout its amazing "life".
Peshat and Beyond: The Emergence of A Reluctant Leader
Batya Hefter explores Moses' development as a leader
Jacob’s Silence and the Rape of Dinah
Ari Silbermann examines one of the most traumatic events in the Torah.
Team of Rivals: Building Israel Like Rachel and Leah
Ezra Sivan reexamines the relationship between Rachel and Leah.