The Autism Question and Beyond: Rereading the Joseph Saga 

R. Yitzchak Blau analyzes the 2018 book, Was Yosef on the Spectrum?


Zohar Atkins presents a new poem on the Akeidah.

Beyond Perfect Repentance

Eliezer Finkelman discusses the meaning of perfect repentance.

From Kayin to Korah: The Fellow Founders of Foment

Shlomo Zuckier wonders why the earth opened its mouth for both Korah and Kayin.

Jacob’s Silence and the Rape of Dinah

Ari Silbermann examines one of the most traumatic events in the Torah.

Team of Rivals: Building Israel Like Rachel and Leah

Ezra Sivan reexamines the relationship between Rachel and Leah.

Shades of White: A Fresh Look at Lavan’s Relationship With Yaakov

Yitzchak Etshalom comments on the relationship between Lavan and Yaakov.

Peshat and Beyond: How the Hasidic Masters Read the Torah

Batya Hefter uses the case of Isaac to illuminate how hasidic masters read the Bible.

Avraham’s Test of Loyalty

Mark Glass puts the Akeidah in conversation with the surrounding narratives of the book of Genesis.

Reclaiming the Akeidah from Kierkegaard

David Fried offers a novel reading of the Akeidah.