Where in my Apartment Should I Light my Hanukkah Lamps?
Dan Margulies explores various opinions on where to light a Hanukah Lamp in dorms and apartments.
Is a Dateline a Logical Necessity? The Halakhic View Less Often Quoted
William Gewirtz discusses the necessity of a Halakhic Dateline.
Halakhah’s Insiders and Outsiders
Shmuel Hain Reviews Chaim Saiman's Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law.
Saiman’s Halakhah: Rabbinic Law as Culture
Suzanne Last Stone reviews Chaim Saiman's Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law.
No Law in Heaven
Moshe Koppel Reviews Chaim Saiman's Halakhah: The Rabbinic Idea of Law.
Nishmat HaBayit: A Window into the Successes of Yoatzot Halacha
Rabbi Ezra Schwartz reviews Nishmat HaBayit, a responsa collection by the Yoatzot Halacha of Nishmat
Antipodal Etrogim
Aaron Cohen surveys the fascinating literature surrounding antipodal etrogim.
Does Peri Etz Hadar Mean Etrog?
David Moster explores the meaning of Peri Etz Hadar.
Is Religious Tolerance a Jewish Idea?
Jonathan Ziring comments on the "Jewishness" of religious tolerance.
The Jewish Calendar: A Scientific Perspective
William Gerwitz explains the scientific knowledge needed to fully understand the Jewish calendar.