Peshat and Beyond: How the Hasidic Masters Read the Torah
Batya Hefter uses the case of Isaac to illuminate how hasidic masters read the Bible.
The Dark Side of Torah u-Madda: Chaim Potok and Core-to-Core Cultural Confrontation
The debate about Torah u-Madda and pop culture continues. Noah Marlowe argues that Chaim Potok's literature offers a useful conceptual framework for, and embodiment of, a profound confrontation between Judaism and elite elements of general culture.
In God’s Country: The “Zionism” of Rashi’s First Comment
Elli Fischer reads one of Rashi's most famous comments against the grain.
The Torah of the Kishkes
In honor of the recent release of Moshe Koppel's new Koren/Maggid book, Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures, Elli Fischer traces the decades-long trajectory of Koppel's "Torah of the Kishkes" philosophy of Judaism.
Sexual Assault: A Torah Analysis and Its Modern Implications
Rena Kosowsky compares the treatment of sexual assault in the Bible and the Talmud, and explores the implications of what that means for how we should address it today.
The Utility of Ambiguity
Dina Brawer explores "certainty" and "doubt" in rabbinic tradition.
Can we Transform the World? An Analysis of the Talmudic Messiah
Atara Cohen considers the theological implications of the Talmud’s surprising majority opinion as to how the Messiah will come.
Jeremiah Lockwood’s New Cantorial Blues Album, Kol Nidre, is a Yom Kippur Dream
Hillel Broder reviews the latest release from Jeremiah Lockwood.
After Lag: Two Readings on The ‘Self-Praise’ of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai
Rabbi Josh Rosenfeld offers insight into the nature of the Jewish mystical tradition by examining some of Rashbi's stories.
Can Religious Zionism Do Teshuvah?
Zach Truboff
In 1933, as the month of Elul approached, the Jewish people faced a frightening array of dangers. That year, Hitler consolidated power as...