Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy.

Marc Dworkin re-examines the impact of Rav Shagar's thought on the English-speaking audience.

Mysticism and its Alternatives: Rethinking Maimonides

David Fried forwards the surprising thesis that Maimonides was a medieval mystic.

The Jewish Calendar: A Scientific Perspective

William Gerwitz explains the scientific knowledge needed to fully understand the Jewish calendar.

Tu be-Av and the Concubine of Givah

Tzvi Sinensky explores the Biblical origins of Tu be-Av.

The Reward for Honoring Our Parents

Ezra Sivan challenges our understanding of the fifth commandment and all of Sefer Devarim.

Revealed yet Concealed: the Meaning of Aseret Ha-Dibrot

Yosef Lindell explores the true nature of the Aseret ha-Dibrot.

This 9th of Av: Do We Sing with Yehudah Ha-Levi, or on Account of...

Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe comments on the poetry, context, and tension of Yehuda Ha-Levi's "Tziyon Halo Tishali" Kinnah.

Grief, Gratitude and … Grapes? Tears on Tishah Be-Av as Tools of Tikun and...

Steven Weiner writes on the significance of tears on Tishah Be-Av and how they relate to the thanks of birkat ha-mazon.

Pinhas’ Parts: Of Priests, Peace, and Disturbing the Piece

What was the covenant of peace God gave Pinchas? R. Shlomo Zuckier puts the pieces together to find out

The “Essentials” of Orthodox Judaism

Dr. Chaim Trachtman explores the role of essentialism within Orthodox Judaism