When Satmar Censored the Hatam Sofer

William Gewirtz continues to offer his thoughts on the meaning of bein ha-shemashot.

Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution 

Gila Bieler-Hoch reviews Hilkhot Nashim, published by JOFA and Maggid Books.

Rahab, Jeremiah, and the Story of Purim

Shimon Lerner uncovers a surprising but profound message that goes to the very heart of the Purim story.

Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)

Matt Lubin seeks to resolve the mystery of the korban asham.

The Sacrifice of Obedience

Shlomo Zuckier asks what we can learn from Shaul's mistakes in this week's Haftara.

Summer Chaplaincy as Modern Priesthood; a Theological Reflection

Eliyahu Freedman compares hospital chaplains to the Kohanim.

Vashti: Feminist or Foe?

Tzvi Sinensky contends that the rabbinic and feminist readings of Vashti are not diametrically opposed.

Hasidim and Academics Debate a Rebbe’s Faith during the Holocaust (on Facebook, of all...

Henry Abramson debates Shaul Magid on the faith of the Aish Kodesh.

Unorthodox? How Megillat Esther Justifies the Holiday of Purim

Tzvi Sinensky suggests that the Megillah itself confronts the question of Purim's legitimacy.

Jewish Justice and #MeToo

Joshua Yuter considers rabbinic conceptions of justice in the age of #metoo.