When Rambam Met the Izhbitser Rebbe: Response to a Straussian Reading of Hilkhot Teshuvah

Bezalel Naor responds to Bezalel Safran's Straussian reading of the Rambam.

The Myth of Jewish Male Menstruation

In older times, Christian New Year’s Day celebrations were sometimes marked by antisemitic incidents. Although such days are behind us, Tzvi Sinensky recalls the antisemitic canard that Jewish men menstruated, a pervasive and disturbing myth that demeaned Jews and all women.

Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy.

Marc Dworkin re-examines the impact of Rav Shagar's thought on the English-speaking audience.

Rethinking Judaism in Early America

Did the Founding Fathers study Kabbalah? Yisroel Ben-Porat reviews Brian Ogren’s new book Kabbalah and the Founding of America.

Practicing Neo-Hasidism: Insights from Arthur Green’s Writings

Jonah Mac Gelfand explores the neo-Hasidic theology of obligation to do mitzvot that emerges from the fascinating writings of Rabbi Arthur Green.

Sin-a-gogue: A Must-Read for the Yamim Noraim

Jennie Rosenfeld reviews David Bashevkin's "Sin-a-gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought."

Four Days of Kristallnacht in Hessen

Stephen Denker reconstructs Bert Katz's experience of Kristallnacht in Nentershausen.

Seeing Double: Themes in Judges, Chapter 3

Judy Taubes Sterman examines Judges Chapter 3.

Revelation Deferred but not Denied: the Golden Calf as a Rabbinic Origin Story

Amitai Bin-Nun provides a fresh and intriguing perspective on the story of the Golden Calf by reading it in light of the Talmudic passage in Menahot detailing an encounter between Moses and R. Akiba on Mt. Sinai where God is tying crowns to the letters of the Torah scroll.

Rabbinic Moral Psychology

Chaim Trachtman explores the relationship between moral instincts and rational thinking in Rabbinic Psychology.