Rudolph Kastner and How History Becomes Midrash

Chesky Kopel looks at the various tellings and retellings of the controversial deal that Rudolph Kastner made with Nazi leadership in Budapest and argues that they represent a modern-day Midrashic presentation of the history.

Rahab, Jeremiah, and the Story of Purim

Shimon Lerner uncovers a surprising but profound message that goes to the very heart of the Purim story.

Beyond the Walls of the Synagogue: Prayer as a Virtue

With lyrical prose, Natan Oliff teaches us how to view prayer as a virtue and let it enter every aspect of our lives, making us into prayerful people.

When Synagogues Reopen, May the Congregation Permit a Bar Mitzvah Boy to Make Up...

When Synagogues Reopen, May the Congregation Permit a Bar Mitzvah Boy to Make Up His Torah Reading? Moshe Kurtz weighs in.

Torah u-Madda’s Moment

Stu Halpern weighs in on the eternal wisdom Torah u-Madda offers the world during the fraught times in which we live.

On the Irrelevance of Biblical Criticism

Commentary by @Jerome Marcus: why biblical criticism directs our attention to the wrong way to read any good book, never mind The Good Book.

Jung Earth Creationism: Two New York Rabbis Respond to the Scopes Trial

No two Orthodox rabbis think exactly the same way, particularly on the matter of Darwinism in the wake of the Scopes Trial. 

Manna as a “Detox Diet”: On Rav Mendel of Rymanov’s Segulah for Parnassah

Lehrhaus Founding and Consulting Editor Elli Fischer on why R. Mendel of Rimanov is said to have spoken about the man every Shabbat for 22 consecutive years, and why reciting parshat ha-man the Tuesday before Parshat Beshalah might not be a segulah for parnasa, but R. Mendel's exhortation to be content with our lot.

Between Shabbat and Lynch Mobs

Ezra Sivan asks what light the narratives of Shabbat and the scouts shed on some critical social questions.

From Lawlessness to Respectability: A Response to Eli Putterman

Lawrence Kaplan responds to Eli Putterman's essay on Reish Laqish and sexuality.