No Rest for the Weary? Ambiguity in Yehudah Halevi’s “Yom Shabbaton”

Yaakov Jaffe analyzes the multiple meanings of a medieval Jewish poem and popular Shabbat table song.

Maimonidean Providence & Stoicism

Ariel Krakowski explores the connection between Maimonides and the Stoics.

Listening to the Jews of Silence in Soviet Popular Culture

Jewishness, antisemitism, popular culture and Russian television in the postwar era? Historian Maya Balakirsky Katz explains.

The Zogerke’s Vort

The zogerke or firzogerin, once the vernacular translator in the women’s section of the synagogue, has faded into distant memory. Dalia Wolfson reimagines her for our times.

The Lifespan of Hirschian Orthodoxy: On the 130th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch

Francis Nataf considers the legacy of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch.

Nietzschean Man

Did Rav Soloveitchik buy into Nietzsche’s critique of religion? Alex Ozar reviews Daniel Rynhold and Michael Harris’s book, which surprisingly argues that the answer to this question is yes.

Notes on the Conversation surrounding Faith Shattered and Restored / Post-Modern Orthodoxy.

Marc Dworkin re-examines the impact of Rav Shagar's thought on the English-speaking audience.

Rav Kook on Culture and History

Zach Truboff explores Rav Kook's fascinating philosophy of history, focusing on five recently translated essays.

God, Torah, Self: Accepting the Yoke of Heaven in the Writings of Rav Shagar

Rav Shagar's postmodern insights on accepting the yoke of Heaven, for your pre-Shavuos reading pleasure!

The Will is Man’s Only Property: A Reading of a Short Passage from Mr....

Who was Monsieur Shoshani, the mysterious and brilliant teacher of some of the greatest 20th century Jewish thinkers? A new look into recently published notebooks of this important figure may help solve the puzzle. David Lang, Yoel Finkelman, and Admiel Kosman offer a commentary and analysis of one such enigmatic passage.