Do You Believe In Miracles?

Zach Truboff looks at the miracle of the Hanukkah oil through the lens of Franz Rosenzweig and emphasizes the importance of the belief in miracles for a meaningful religiosity.

The Development of Neo-Hasidism: Echoes and Repercussions Part I: Introduction, Hillel Zeitlin, and Martin...

In part one of this series, Ariel Mayse provides an introduction to the history of neo-hasidism, through the voices of Hillel Zeitlin and Martin Buber.

A Prehistory of Rav Kook

What can we learn from Rav Kook's writings before he immigrated to the land of Israel? As Yom Ha-Atzma'ut approaches, Levi Morrow reviews Yehuda Mirsky's new prehistory of Rav Kook.

Remembering Professor Louis Feldman, z”l

Ari Lamm writes in tribute to the late Louis Feldman, examining his scholarship in light of personal experience.

Theologies of Prayer: Dov Singer and Arthur Green in “Conversation”

Steven Gotlib explores similarities between Rabbis Dov Singer and Arthur Green in their models of prayer and how this model can make prayer meaningful even when experiencing doubts in one’s faith.

Selflessness and the Self in the Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Yosef Bronstein explores the thought of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Know it All: Of Jewish Philosophers and Doctors

Chaim Trachtman squares biology with Spinoza and Maimonides.

A “What If” Review: Hypothetical History, Science, and Halakhah

Yaakov Taubes examines three hypothetical “What if?” books and what they can teach us about history, science, and halakhah.

On Building a Better World: The Tension in Jewish Thought between Yeridat ha-Dorot and...

Tamar Ron Marvin argues for the importance of recognizing a Jewish idea of Aliyat Ha-Dorot.

Outside Help in the Teshuvah Process

With Hoshanah Rabbah today and the theme of repentance in mind, Jack Cohen explores the role that outsiders play in one's teshuva process through an enigmatic midrash instructing one to return a person to themselves.