Where is the Justice in the Tenth Plague?

Ezra Sivan asks: Where is the justice in the tenth plague?

Searching for the Vatican’s Menorah

Tzvi Sinensky on the lost Menorah, the Vatican theory, and the ideology of the search and mythology.

Song of the Sea: Making a Space for Joy and Sorrow

Zach Truboff draws on personal experience in considering the place of Yizkor on Yom Tov.

Amalek and the War Against War

As we reflect on ever-present evil by reading Parashat Zakhor this Shabbat amidst the shocking human tragedy of the war in Ukraine, Zach Truboff brings to light a derasha by Rav Moshe Avigdor Amiel written a century ago that speaks to this very moment.

The Torah of Rashbi and the Healing of the World

Eli Rubin presents a stirring passage from the Zohar, with the Lubavitcher Rebbe's commentary.

Rebuilding a Future When Our World Comes Crashing Down

Ezra Zuckerman Sivan examines how the yibbum triangle of Ruth, Tamar, and Lot's daughters teaches us how to rebuild our lives in a time of upheaval.

Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yohanan on the Power of Repentance: A Reappraisal

How does Reish Lakish’s classic view of repentance help to account for the tragic dissolution of his relationship with Rabbi Yohanan?

Anonymous Leadership:  The Emotional Drama in Ishay Ribo’s Seder ha-Avodah

Shira Hecht-Koller and Aaron Koller explore the worship of the Kohen Gadol through the voice of Ishay Ribo.

Up to Hashem and Down to the World: Making Sense of Beit Shammai and...

Countless explanations have been offered to explain the debate between Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai as to whether we light the Hanukkah candles in ascending or descending order. Yet remarkably, Hannah Abrams manages to offer a strikingly novel reading of this debate. Her analysis is well worth the read.

Confronting God on Tishah Be-Av in Yehudah ha-Levi’s Yom Akhpi Hikhbadti

Yosef Lindell examines how Yehudah ha-Levi's kinnah about the bubbling blood of Zechariah modifies the story found in Talmudic sources and thus tackles the question of theodicy.