The Tragic Gap: Birkat Ha-Ilanot Amidst COVID-19

Shumel Hain discusses how we can bridge the "Tragic Gap" between the world envisioned in the blessing on budding fruit tress and our current reality of pandemic and tragedy

Yeshiva University President Rabbi Ari Berman’s Opening Shiur

YU President Ari Berman's opening address, comparing YU to a Sukkah! Shlomo Zuckier captures this historic moment in his notes.

A Purim Teaching for our Time: Malbim’s Proto-Feminist Commentary on Esther

Purim - Armed with feminist and political theory, Don Seeman probes the depths of Malbim's Esther commentary.

Shavuot: Zeman Mattan Torateinu?

Matt Lubin reflects on the holiday of Shavuot.

“Looking for a Havvayah” A Genealogy of “Experience” on the High Holy Days

With the Yamim Noraim approaching, Avinoam Stillman analyzes Ḥavvayah, “experience,” in the thought of A.D. Gordon.

The Death of the Rabbi

Elli Fischer on Rasbhi's passing, his legacy, and some other rabbinic legacies, as well.

Anonymous Leadership:  The Emotional Drama in Ishay Ribo’s Seder ha-Avodah

Shira Hecht-Koller and Aaron Koller explore the worship of the Kohen Gadol through the voice of Ishay Ribo.

Think Passover Guides are Getting Stricter? Think Again

Yosef Lindell offers a brief history of Pesah guides.

Coming Undone: Vows and the High Holy Days

Why is the annulment of vows so central to the High Holy Days? Wendy Amsellem discusses this, with a timely message.

The G-d of Our Faces

Merri Ukraincik contemplates G-d's role in our lives.