Written and Sealed (and Stamped) in the Book of Life

We will all be much more distant from each other this Rosh Hashanah. That’s why, argues Ranana Dine, it’s time to revive the tradition of sending physical greeting cards.

Modern Orthodox Jews Should Be Trailblazers in Holocaust Education

As we commemorate Yom HaShoah, Shay Pilnik urges us to add a Modern Orthodox voice to a discourse increasingly dominated by secular perspectives.

Hokhmat Nashim

Ayelet Wenger on women and Torah and Talmud and some things (that get) in between.

Between Aveilut and Clinical Social Work: Interdisciplinary Reflections

Noah Marlowe offers a personal reflection on the experience of simultaneously studying Hilkhot Aveilut and coping with loss from a clinical social work perspective. He explores the similarities and differences between the two lenses and how they could each benefit from being in conversation with each other.

A Yahrzeit & A Pandemic: Thoughts On R. Amital In The Age of...

In commemoration of Rav Amital's tenth Yahrzeit, Joe Wolfson, JLIC Rabbi at NYU, shares how the legacy of Rav Amital inspired his community's humanitarian efforts during the Covid19 pandemic.

How Should a Diverse Urban Congregation Select a Siddur?

David Wolkenfeld ponders his synagogue's next choice in siddur.
Cadets training to be IDF Rabbis

With Pain and With Might: Reserve Duty on the Northern Front

Gilad Goldberg describes the bewildering experience of reporting for emergency reserve duty on October 7.

Giving Shape to Abstraction: Illustrating Redemption in the Book of Ruth

Benjamin Marcus was commissioned to create illustrations for an illuminated manuscript of the Book of Ruth. In this one-of-a-kind article, he shares his challenges, his discoveries, and his art.

The Challenge and Joy of Living With Tension

Shayna Goldberg contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.

Second Chances

In her latest for the Lehrhaus, Mali Moskowitz reflects on dating after divorce, Jewish marriage, and the ongoing journey for self-discovery.