Three Sonnets

Jeffrey Burghauser's three poems draw on the biblical and rabbinic imagination.


Poetry from Zohar Atkins.

I Am Stirring the Chicken Soup in Circles and Thinking

A new poem by Hannah Butcher-Stell, on love and loss.

Two Pieces on Terumah

The poetry of the Mishkan: Abe Mezrich mines Parshat Terumah for its poetic potential.

From Lawlessness to Respectability: A Response to Eli Putterman

Lawrence Kaplan responds to Eli Putterman's essay on Reish Laqish and sexuality.

The Joiner

Ezra Olman's short story debut at Lehrhaus

Conjoined Twins

A poetic offering from Yehoshua November in advance of parashat Toledot

To Rebeccah

Aryeh Klapper recreating a patriarchal voice.

The Day I Met Shimon Peres

Leslie Ginsparg Klein's reflections on Shimon Peres, Zionism, and the importance of nuance.