Orthodoxy’s Response to Biblical Criticism: A Review of Joshua Berman’s Ani Maamin

Joshua Berman, a leading Tanakh scholar, has written a compelling book that addresses head-on many of the challenges posed by biblical criticism. Michael Harris explains.

Professor Menahem Hayyim Schmelzer’s Beloved Books 

David Selis and Zvi Erenyi share their memories of JTS Librarian Professor Menahem Schmelzer for his sheloshim.

A Game by Any Other Name

Todd Berman warns of antisemitism in strange places.

The Earth-Shattering Faith of Rav Shagar

Zach Truboff on Rav Shagar, Israeli Post-Modernism and American Modern Orthodox Judaism.

Ode to a Nightingale

A passionate sonnet by Yocheved Friedman in memory of the Rav, zt'l.

The Tension that is Tanakh

Yaakov Beasley looks at Hayyim Angel's scholarship and evaluates it as an exemplar of Modern Orthodox Bible study.

Traditional Revolutionaries

Ilan Fuchs reviews Naomi Seidman’s book Sarah Schenirer and the Bais Yaakov Movement.

The Chosen Ones

Jennie Mintz revisits the death camps in her powerful new poem for the Lehrhaus.

Postmodern Orthodoxy: Giving Voice to a New Generation

Gil Perl draws from Rav Shagar to argue that "Postmodern Orthodoxy turns its gaze inward toward the conflicts raging within the individual as he or she seeks out meaning and strives for relevance.

Anonymous Leadership:  The Emotional Drama in Ishay Ribo’s Seder ha-Avodah

Shira Hecht-Koller and Aaron Koller explore the worship of the Kohen Gadol through the voice of Ishay Ribo.