Shadal: Translated, Elucidated, and Uncensored at Last

Martin Lockshin reviews Daniel A. Klein’s translation of Samuel David Luzzatto’s commentary on the Book of Vayikra, the latest volume in Klein’s project to translate all of Shadal’s insightful and ever-interesting Torah commentary.

From Lawlessness to Respectability: A Response to Eli Putterman

Lawrence Kaplan responds to Eli Putterman's essay on Reish Laqish and sexuality.

R. Eliezer Berkovits’ Faith and Freedom Passover Haggadah

Ross Singer reviews the Faith and Freedom R. Eliezer Berkovits Haggadah, compiled by Reuven Mohl.

Not Everything I Needed to Know in Life I Learned in Rabbinical School

Nathaniel Helfgot reflects on all of the things he needed to know as a rabbi that he didn’t learn in rabbinical school.

From Forbidden Fruit to Milk and Honey

Yael Unterman reviews Diana Lipton’s From Forbidden Fruit to Milk and Honey.

Something to Lose – Eviatar Banai and the Sukkot Paradox

Sarah Rindner has been listening to Eviatar Banai just in time for Sukkot.

Erev Rosh Hashana 

What happens at the end of the old year? Hillel Broder explored this boundary in his new poem for the Lehrhaus.

Miriam’s Song and the Persistence of Music in Dark Times

Why did the women bring musical instruments out of Egypt? In her first Lehrhaus article, musicologist Rebecca Cypess draws a fascinating historical analogy between biblical and African-American slavery to shed light on the Exodus in Jewish tradition.

Boardwalk Closed (April 2020)

Hillel Broder reflects on the edges in life, in his latest poem for the Lehrhaus.

The Ballad of Cain and Adam

Ari Lamm on The Boss and The Bible