The Poetry of the Land

With masterful translation, Tzvi Novick offers a glimpse of Israeli culture to our English readers.

The Secret Quietness

These poems present Dephy's reflections on memories, relationships, and the self.

A Letter to Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

A poem addressed to survivors in the Chareidi community about the existential confusion endured by child sexual abuse.

Hilkhot Nashim: A Cautious Revolution 

Gila Bieler-Hoch reviews Hilkhot Nashim, published by JOFA and Maggid Books.

Wherefore Art Thou, Moses?

What does Shakespeare have to say about the Exodus, Moses, and the power of storytelling? Shaina Trapedo explores how the Bard's work can speak to us during this unprecedented Pesach season.
Nicole Krauss

A Return to Jewish Roots in Nicole Krauss’ Forest Dark

The question of whether or not your writing is Jewish is not up to you, because writing ultimately belongs to the reader. Krauss’ avatar answers Ozick perfectly: “Jewish literature would have to wait, as all Jewish things wait for a perfection that in our hearts we don’t really want to come.” In the end, perhaps all we can do is kvetch and vacillate between different answers to the question of what is Jewish literature—because, of course, the answer was never the point.

93Queen: The New Eishes Hayil, Woman of Valor

Naamit Sturm Nagel reviews 93Queen, a documentary about Judge Ruchie Frier and the Hasidic women's ambulance corps that she founded.

Goodbye, Philip: A Hesped

Dr. Ari Hoffman eulogizes Philip Roth.

The State of the Conversation

Zev Eleff and Ari Lamm cap off the Lehrhaus Symposium on the OU statement.

The Agunah

Talya Jankovits presents a chilling narrative on the tragedy of a woman chained to her marriage.