Eliezer Melamed, Unpredictable and Non-Tribal Posek: The Case of Women’s Roles

David Silverstein explores the recent attempts to ban Rav Eliezer Melamed and his already-classic Peninei Halakha.

Sarah Schenirer and Innovative Change: The Myths and Facts

Did elite rabbinic figures jumpstart Bais Yaakov, or was it a grassroots women's movement? Leslie Ginsparg Klein explains.

Reclaiming Dignity Revealed

The new book Reclaiming Dignity is taking the Anglo Jewish world by storm. Why? Emmanuel Bloch, who wrote his dissertation on the subject of tzeniut, argues that the work capitalizes on and extends a new, revolutionary halakhic and conceptual framework for tzeniut that has emerged only in recent years - one that offers a lens to the “soul of contemporary Jewish Orthodoxy.”

Tu be-Av and the Concubine of Givah

Tzvi Sinensky explores the Biblical origins of Tu be-Av.
beit midrash

Why I believe in Women and Their Batei Midrash

Shayna Goldberg acknowledges the challenges facing women's Talmud study but it's still worth the fight.

Making Expertise Available to Women: A Programmatic Agenda for Advanced Torah Study

Rabbi Judah Goldberg offers his suggestions to raise the bar of advanced Torah study for women.

The Culture of Learning in Women’s Torah Study

  Yael Jaffe As you walk into the room, you hear voices arguing back and forth. You can’t make out the sound of any particular conversation...
women's learning

The Messages We Are Sending

Tamar Snyder Chaitovsky calls on synagogues to create an infrastructure for women's learning and spirituality.

The Opaque Ceiling Hovering Over Women’s Torah Study: A Reply to Judah Goldberg

Chaim Saiman responds to Rabbi Judah Goldberg on why women's advanced Talmud classes haven't advanced.

If Your Wife Is Short, Bend Down and Hear Her Whisper: Rereading Tanur shel...

Miriam Gedwiser Sometimes, returning to a familiar text uncovers something new. In this essay, I hope to reexamine the story of the Oven of Akhnai...