Man vs. Prophecy? A New Look at the Classic Discussion of Predetermination in the...
The Mei Ha-Shiloah’s statements on predetermination pose a theological challenge to foundational Jewish doctrines. In an analysis weaving together several Torah narratives and Izhbitzer commentaries, Reuven Boshnack proposes an empowering interpretation of the Mei Ha-Shiloah.
The Child at this Moment, the child that Could Become: A Torah Meditation in...
Dan Ornstein examines the rabbinic interpretation of the phrase "ba-asher hu sham," and applies it to the current conflict in Israel.
Letters to the Editor: A Response to David Polsky’s “Reading Tragedy in Gittin and...
R.A. Alpert argues that the differences between Hamas and the Zealots outweigh the similarities.
Philanthropy is Great, It’s Where You Give That Matters
Hillel David Rap responds to Jordan Soffer and Jay Kelman.
A Year in Review – 2022
As 2022 comes to a close, the Lehrhaus team is proud to feature some highlights from our contributions this past year. Yet again, we have published at least one hundred original pieces across a wide variety of genres.
The Torah’s Song
What is the meaning of a biblical song? Writing for Parshat Ha'azinu and in memory of her beloved cousin, Shira Shaindel Rodman (née Brilliant) z”l, Elana Stein Hain reviews Geula Twersky's theory of biblical poetry as portrayed in her 2022 book Torah Song.
The Shofar as a Mekonenet, a Singer of Laments
Rebecca Cypess
As the only musical instrument used in modern Jewish liturgy, the shofar possesses a humble form. Halakhah forbids the modification of the shofar’s...
“Turn it and Turn it, for all is in It:” Ilana Kurshan and the...
The most enjoyable feature of the book is the brilliant and creative integration of the daily Talmudic folio Kurshan studies with experiences of her life.
Schools Need Leadership, Too: The OU and Day School Education
Sara Wolkenfeld contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.
The OU Paper: Three Lenses
Elli Fischer contributes to the Lehrhaus Symposium on the recent OU statement regarding female clergy.