Passover 2020

Harris Bor meditates on the world of Passover in his new poem for the Lehrhaus.

Revisiting Mendelssohn’s Living Script

Tzvi Sinensky responds to Lawrence Kaplan and continues the discussion on Mendelssohn and Jewish law.

Is Reciting Tehillim and Avinu Malkeinu after October 7th Enough?

As we near 150 days since the murderous attack by Hamas, Chaim Trachtman wonders whether continuing to recite Tehillim and Avinu Malkeinu is the best way to keep Israel front-and-center in our prayers.

Yaakov Elman z”l: Breadth, Creativity, and Commitment

David Berger's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.

Homeland Insecurity

Jeffrey Green assesses Daniel Boyarin's "Traveling Homeland," Jewish texts and Diaspora in modern terms.

Reflections From A Student

Meira Wolkenfeld's reflection commemorating the passing of Yaakov Elman, ob"m.

The Baptized Jew Who Had a Lot to Teach Us about Orthodox Judaism

Peter Berger, Daniel Korobkin argues, offers an important lens to understand Orthodox Judaism, its religious features and institutions.

Resurrecting Moses Mendelssohn

Tzvi Sinensky As chronicled in Robert Putnam’s 2000 classic book, Bowling Alone, loneliness is one of the vexing challenges of modern life. The advent of the...

Pesah and Shavuot, Or: Emancipation and Freedom

Jerome Marcus explores understandings of freedom within halakhah and how they relate to Pesah and Shavuot

Of Warriors and Wolves

In these difficult times for Israel, Aharon Frazer of Alon Shvut is thinking about the fundamental sanctity of human life and the long game. Can war and weapons really take us toward the messianic age?