“They should seek Torah from his mouth; for he is an angel of the...

In commemoration of the shloshim of Rabbi Simcha Krauss z"l, Dan Margulies offers a moving reflection of his teacher.

Why Are Women Obligated in Some Time-Bound Positive Commandments and Exempt from Others? A...

Michael Broyde offers a new theory for why halakhah obligates women in some time-bound positive mitzvot and exempts them from others.

A Tribute to Arthur Hyman z”l: Scholar, Teacher, and Exemplary Human Being

David Berger's eulogy for Revel's late Prof. Arthur Hyman, a leading scholar of Medieval Jewish philosophy.

In Memory of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm: Some Personal Reflections         ...

Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter of Yeshiva University and The Jewish Center shares divrei hesped for his rabbinic predecessor and role model, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zz"l.

Human Words: Rav Elhanan Nir’s “Intentions for Rosh Hashanah”

Levi Morrow provides an all-new translation of Rav Elhanan Nir’s “Kavvanot for Rosh Hashanah,” and analyzes how these theological poems speak about our relationship with God and prayer on Rosh Hashanah.

Hendiadys in the Pre-Shofar Acrostic Prayer: An Introduction to an Overlooked Principle of Biblical...

In unpacking the meaning of a tricky verse from Eikhah that we say as part of the Shofar service on Rosh Hashanah, Mitchell First introduces us to the literary principle called hendiadys, which can help us understand various phrases throughout Tanakh.

The Zogerke’s Vort

The zogerke or firzogerin, once the vernacular translator in the women’s section of the synagogue, has faded into distant memory. Dalia Wolfson reimagines her for our times.

Exhuming the Rav from his Procrustean Sarcophagus: The “Mesorah Speech” Reconsidered

Moshe Simon-Shoshan sheds new light on the Rav's approach to pluralism and academic Jewish studies.

Thoughts on a Death

In this personal reflection, Phil Lieberman addresses the unique pain that accompanies the loss of an abusive parent and considers the uneasy coherence of this pain with Jewish traditions of mourning.

Professor Menahem Hayyim Schmelzer’s Beloved Books 

David Selis and Zvi Erenyi share their memories of JTS Librarian Professor Menahem Schmelzer for his sheloshim.